It's free and fast to get content from, India's largest food site. There are hundreds of small blogs and websites which take our content and there is no charge. We do charge a annual fee to large websites and companies as there is a large team working daily to create top class recipe content, health recipes, stunning images and articles on a daily basis. Mrs Tarla Dalal’s goal was to provide easy to cook recipes to millions of Indians free of cost.

Here is how the associate programme works.

DIRECT CONTENT SHARING : Under this method, you can take recipes directly from our website or blog. Details are given in the specific terms & conditions.


  1. You may take maximum of 50 different recipes from our website. You shall not use any of our content for including the same, by way of a link or otherwise, in any mobile / smartphone application.
  2. At the bottom of each recipe, the URL must be given of that recipe. E.g. for a Rava Dosa the recipe link should be programmed as
    <a href=" rava-dosa-169r "> Rava Dosa </a> by Tarla Dalal
  3. The easiest part is you have to write to us asking for our prior permission to use our recipes on any website or blog and await our reply.
  4. Can you re franchise these recipes to other sites? The answer is NO. You are allowed to use the recipe only for your personal non-commercial use only or for your web site only provided you give the correct URL at the bottom of each recipe as more specifically mentioned under point (2) above.
  5. The approval process takes generally 48 hours.
  6. Sanjay & Co reserves the right to ask you to remove our content from your website with a 45 day notice without assigning any reason.


You will benefit the following

  1. The easiest part is you to write to us asking for permission to use our recipes and await for our reply.
  2. Can you re franchise these recipes to other sites? The answer is no. You are allowed to use the recipe only for your personal non-commercial use only or for your web site only. This does not permit you to use any of our content for including the same, by way of a link or otherwise, in any mobile / smartphone application.
  3. We have invested huge amount of resources in terms of money and time to build our reputation of being India's largest admired food site as well as to build online databases and have the best food recipes in India. It's absolutely free to partner with us.


  1. Any women's site : If you are targeting women, then add a recipe section to your site as well all women have interest in food.
  2. Children's site : We have recipes targeted for children.
  3. Any Indian horizontal portal : Each horizontal portal must cover women and food. Just add new recipe section and we will provide you the content or upgrade your existing recipe section.
  4. Any health site : We have lots of health and low calorie recipes to give you as this is our strength.
  5. Any Indian city specific site : We can give you the best cuisine suited for your area.
  6. Any Indian site Since we are the largest food site in the country, it is best to partner with us.
  7. Any US site targeted to Indians.
  8. Even if you have a small fun site, you can link to us.
  9. In short, we would love to partner with every one provided that your site is not one of the following.
    1. Promotes illegal activities.
    2. Promotes sexually explicit materials.
    3. Violates any intellectual property or rights related thereto.

For further information please contact [email protected]