The significance of the red cardinal is cherished not only at Christmastime, but for all year long. Some individuals say that a red cardinal signifies the spirit of a friend coming to visit; others maintain that cardinals bring good luck. In Native American cultures, cardinals were a symbol of romance. Whatever the cardinal means to you, you'll love this stained-glass cardinal suncatcher from Miles Kimball. Cardinals and stained glass are lovely combinations, which is quite apparent with this stained-glass cardinal suncatcher. This cardinal suncatcher has a 6 inch diameter and hangs 9 1/2 inch long from its included metal chain (suction cup/hook to hang from window is not included). Wondering where to buy Christmas suncatchers? This cardinal suncatcher is ideal for Christmastime - as well as throughout the entire year. Its bright colors capture the light and provide a beautiful glow in windows. Add over a kitchen sink, onto a sliding glass patio door or on another window that would benefit from the brightening of this cardinal glass suncatcher.