subject:"Medical sciences" from
We think that no more can be expected than to make a little progress here or there. We have written this book in the hope that we have been able to do so.
subject:"Medical sciences" from
This history of vaccines is relatively short and many of its protagonists are still alive. This book was written by some of the chief actors in the drama whose subject matter is the conquest of epidemic disease.
subject:"Medical sciences" from
This book continues as volume 7 of a multi-compendium on Edible Medicinal and Non-Medicinal Plants.
subject:"Medical sciences" from
Lasswell's pioneering application of the concepts of clinical psychology to the understanding of powerbrokers in politics, business, and even the church offers insights into the careers of leaders as diverse as Adolf Hitler and Richard ...
subject:"Medical sciences" from
The compilation of articles is complemented by an introduction and comments by Prof. Alfredo Morabia which puts them in the context of current epidemiological research.
subject:"Medical sciences" from
"The Hot Zone" tells the dramatic story of their dangerous race against time, along with an alarming account of how previously unknown viruses that have lived undetected in the rain forest for eons are now entering human populations.
subject:"Medical sciences" from
Addiction Medicine addresses this disconnect, clearly explaining the role of brain function in drug taking and other habit-forming behaviors, and applying this biobehavioral framework to the delivery of evidence-based treatment.
subject:"Medical sciences" from
Some readers may be shocked by the title of this book, and some may wonder if it is necessary to raise the uncomfortable issue of killing by doctors.
subject:"Medical sciences" from
Text from: Concise medical dictionary / edited by Elizabeth Martin. 7th ed. 2007.
subject:"Medical sciences" from
Diabetes mellitus is a very common disease which affects approximately 150,000,000 worldwide.