For example, if you want to check for a non-HTML response, you could do the following: var pjax = new Pjax(); pjax._handleResponse = pjax.handleResponse; pjax.
For use as an example, I created a simple Sinatra app that would respond to two actions (index or goodbye). Each action uses a different template and content so ...
pjax is a jQuery plugin that uses ajax and pushState to deliver a fast browsing experience with real permalinks, page titles, and a working back button.
Pjax is a technique that allows you to progressively enhance normal links on a page so that clicks result in the linked content being loaded via Ajax.
Pjax is a technique that combines Ajax and history.pushState to speed up page transitions on classic multi-page websites.
Dec 7, 2013 · The pjax ajax request sends an X-PJAX header so in this example (and in most cases) we want to return just the content of the page without any ...
Nov 13, 2017 · Pjax works by fetching HTML from your server via AJAX and replacing the content of a container element on your page with the loaded HTML.
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How to use PJAX?
What is PJAX in Yii2?
The pjax filter will decide which layout template should be extended based on HTTP headers. In the example above it will return theme_base.html for regular ...
Apr 9, 2012 · PJAX is a blend between client side and server side rendering of HTML. The basic idea of PJAX is that you update only the parts of the page that change when ...
Use this online pjax playground to view and fork pjax example apps and templates on CodeSandbox. Click any example below to run it instantly or find templates ...