Xylene Free Tissue Processing With Conventional Microwave Oven,IJAR - Indian Journal of Applied Research(IJAR) IJAR is a double reviewed monthly print ...
INDIAN JOURNAL OF APPLIED RESEARCH. 5. KEYWORDS : Microwave Processing. Conventional Processing, Xylene. AIM: To analyze the effect of Xylene free tissue ...
Objective: To compare the time taken to process the tissues using the routine conventional and microwave oven methods. Methods:The study was conducted in the ...
Background. Methods of diagnostic molecular biology are routinely applied on formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded tissues processed via conventional method.
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The mechanism of microwave histoprocessing is based on the rapid dehydration of previously fixed tissue using microwave energy to heat the reagent (alcohol) ...
Missing: Oven - "IJAR -"
Abstract: Tissue processing is the method in which tissues are prepared by paraffin embedding for sectioning. Conventional tissue processing is the gold ...
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Elimination of xylene from tissue processing cuts costs, saves time, and improves the laboratory environment. Experience with xylene-free sections since 1995 at ...
Introduction and Aim: To assess the impact of new alternative solutions to formaldehyde and xylene on tissue processing, 13 different tissue processings ...
Missing: Oven - "IJAR -"
Title. Comparative Study of Microwave Oven-Assisted Tissue-Processing with Xylene and Xylene Substitutes on Morphological Quality of Tissue Sections.
Missing: Free Conventional Indian Applied
May 30, 2024 ˇ The present study was aimed at assessing the rapid microwave-assisted tissue processing and staining to determine if it can replace standard ...
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