... vifited several schools ; ' vifited a few perfons who were fick ; and attended feveral church meet- in general , in this country is rath - ings . I have heard many expref er low . Oh , how much the peo- ' ple here need the miniftrations ...
... vifited by anybody except Mrs. Black ? No , and she was very much blamed for vifiting her . Are you fure that no other Lady of Character vifited her ? Yes , I am very certain that no one elfe vifited her at that Time.j Do you know Mrs ...
... Vifited , or he who is vifited . m . pakudah , or pepakudet , vifited , or fhe who is vifited , & c . fem . Plural . pakudim , Men vifited , or those who are vifited . mafc . pipe pakudot , Women vifited , And so from 107 lamad , He ...
... vifited the White Hills , 72-73 ; his dif- coveries , 73 , 284 ; his attempts to reach Laconia not fatisfactory to the Laconia Company , 74 , 284 ; left the company's property in care of Gib- bons and Warnerton , 77 ; conveyed land to ...
... vifited fome Meetings in York- in Yorkshire , and Bishoprick , and was at the hire , and great and notable Solemnity , or Circular Yearly- Bioprick , meeting at Preston in Lancashire . and at Frefton . I vifited On the 5th of the ...
... vifited Sarah in his mercy , and gave her a fon . Gen. xxi . 1. He visited the Ifraelites in Egypt , and fent them ... vifited his flock , the houfe of Judah . The author of Ecclefiasticus , xlix . 18. has ufed the term to vifit ...
... vifited va rious Prifons abroad , and in the British Empire ; and fcarcely in that period , and particularly fince ... vifited and defcribed the old Workhouse . To afcertain the truth of this affer- tion , I applied to Neild for ...
... vifited the second tyme he poured downe showeres of rayne tyll all the worlde was drowned . a foole for hys labour Exodi : vi . Genesis xix . Loth was a vifitour of Sodome , and Gomorre , but because they regarded not hys preach- ynge ...
... vifited . The second person masculine , by as פִקְדָה thou haft vifited ; the same if feminine by , as . The first person fingular both masculine 7 . and feminine is made by ' n as ' , I have vifited . Thus also the third person ...
... vifit , nor to fuffer Goods , Stores , Provifions , or Arms , to be carry'd aboard , or from the Ships , after they are vifited . So that in fhort , the firft vifit is for the Vifitor to appoint how the Veffel is to be fitted ; the ...