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required adjective ˇ required by rule. Synonyms. compulsory, mandatory. अनिवार्य, परमावश्यक, लाज़िम, लाजिम, लाजिमी, लाज़िमी. Examples. "attendance is mandatory"; "in most ...
REQUIRE अनुवाद:ज़रूरत होना. Cambridge अंग्रेज़ी-हिंदी शब्दकोश में और सीखें।
Usage : a new writable disc will be required once the currently loaded one has been copied. उदाहरण : नया लिखने योग्य डिस्क की जरुरत होगी एक बार मौजूदा लोड की गयी की नक़ल करे.
require verb ˇ make someone do something. Synonyms. command. आदेश देना, माँगना ˇ consider obligatory; request and expect. Synonyms. ask, ask, ask, expect. Examples.
To require something means to need it. चाहनाआवश्यकता होना. The crisis requires immediate action. require surgery/treatment/attention ...
Required meaning in Hindi is मांगना and it can write in roman as Maangana. Along with the Hindi meaning of Required, multiple definitions are also stated to ...