PI's values range from 0.02% (weak pulse) to 20% (strong pulse). A site with a high PI number generally indicates an optimal monitoring site. PI is a relative number and varies depending on patients, physiological conditions, and monitoring sites. Therefore, each patient's “normal” PI is unique.
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Feb 17, 2022 · A higher PI (closer to 20%) represents dilation of the arteries or a very strong blood flow. A lower PI (closer 0.02%) represents constriction ...
Perfusion index is an indication of the pulse strength at the sensor site. The PI's values range from 0.02% for very weak pulse to 20% for extremely strong ...
May 22, 2021 · High PI indicates good blood flow to the periphery (fingers) from the centre(heart) This is a good sign. If PI is low, person may have low blood pressure.
Feb 15, 2022 · If the perfusion index is at or below 0.4% showing weak pulse strength, then the oximeter reading can be unreliable. Peripheral artery diseases, ...
Mar 13, 2012 · Perfusion index (PI), which is automatically calculated by pulse oximetry, provides an indication of peripheral perfusion at the sensor site. We ...
Aug 12, 2021 · Measurements generally range from 0.02% (very weak pulse) to 20% (very strong pulse). The plethysmograph generated by the pulse oximeter is a ...
Jul 30, 2021 · PI indicates the strength of the pulse and can range between 0.02% in weak pulses to 20% in extremely strong pulses. This Perfusion Index can ...
Feb 19, 2023 · A total of 138 patients had respiratory rate values of over 20 breaths/minute, presenting tachypnea, corresponding to a percentage of 66.66%.