Fill in the VARK Questionnaire to find out how you learn best and use the free helpsheets for effective study strategy suggestions.
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Is the vark questionnaire accurate?
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VARK is about learning. Your VARK scores indicate how you prefer to learn; the four scores may not indicate how you teach, train, or work with others!
We can analyze the scores for you, using the VARK standard algorithm. This is an arithmetic comparison of the scores of each individual compared with that ...
Use the following scoring chart to find the VARK category that each of your answers corresponds to. Circle the letters that correspond to your answers. e.g. If ...
Use paper copies of the VARK Questionnaire and use our Result Analysis service to find out the results.
It is important that you answered the questionnaire for yourself and without considering others. VARK is best when it records how you respond when you learn ...
The trial began in March 2009 and ended on 1 May 2009. During that time those who responded to the VARK questionnaire online, received a profile description ...
While the VARK Questionnaire is used to identify which modalities someone PREFERS when learning, the Strategies Questionnaire asks them about the study ...
Our study used the VARK questionnaire to determine the learning preferences of undergraduate medical students and the influence of sex and academic performance ...