I temi trattati costituiscono un’introduzione ai fenomeni radioattivi in senso stretto con escursioni, aventi come base di partenza e filo conduttore il decadimento beta, nel campo della fisica delle particelle elementari, in particolare ...
"Under his influence the synthesis of relativity, quantum theory and the theory of operator algebras now called algebraic quantum field theory has proven itself to be extremely flexible and powerful. /.../ This book is by no means the summa ...
This work provides details of the chemical structure of the analyzed sample, in addition to analytical conditions including nucleus, frequency, spectrometer and lock.
Each chapter highlights basic concepts, examples, problems with answers, and a final assessment. The book is intended for first-year undergraduate and graduate engineering students taking Nuclear Engineering and Nuclear Energy courses.
With a new chapter on quantum entanglement and quantum information, as well as added discussions of the quantum beam splitter, electromagnetically induced transparency, slow light and the input-output formalism, this fourth edition of the ...
This book is aimed at enabling the reader to obtain a working knowledge of the nuclear shell model and to understand nuclear structure within the framework of the shell model.