The book begins with a brief discussion of the main concepts in pharmaceutical science. The authors then introduce the key techniques that can be used for fibre production and explain briefly the theory behind them.
First draft prepared by Dr. J. Kielhorn and Dr. I. Mangelsdorf, Fraunhofer Institute for Toxicology and Experimental Medicine, Hanover, Germany ; and Dr. K. Ziegler-Skylakakis, MAK Commission (Commission for the investigation of health ...
This book starts with a summary on the history of Western pharmacology, written to allow the reader to understand the circumstances that have been the background to those dynamics through which the Research and Development process has ...
The World Health Organization (WHO) Expert Committee on Specifications for Pharmaceutical Preparations advises the Director-General of WHO in the area of medicines quality assurance.
A obra traz a descrição detalhada e as aplicações de cada uma das 69 essências florais que compõem o sistema terapêutico Florais da Mata Atlântica, fruto de mais de doze anos de investigação e desenvolvimento pelo autor.
The International Pharmacopoeia contains a collection of recommended methods for analysis and quality specifications for pharmaceutical substances, excipients and products.