While this book will be accessible enough for someone implementing a social media program for the first time, it’s ambitious enough to benefit experienced SM hands who are looking for good ideas and techniques to push their online ...
Rich with case studies, concrete examples, and revealing anecdotes from companies including Texas Instruments, Amoco, Buckman, Chevron, Sequent Computer, the World Bank, and USAA, this valuable guide reveals how knowledge treasure chests ...
In twenty-seven innovative briefings, Levitt discusses management theory and practice and emphasizes the importance of such skills as listening and learning.
Addresses the latest research findings and application results on disruption management. Discusses disruption management for flight scheduling, machine scheduling, discrete production planning problems.
This book reviews the basic TRIZ algorithm tools, provides templates for analyzing your own difficult problems, and helps establish mental frameworks for finding your own solutions.
Marcel Crisand zeigt auf der Basis einer breit angelegten empirischen Untersuchung mögliche Entwicklungen szenarioartig auf und erarbeitet strategische Optionen und Handlungsspielräume für das Marketing- und Vertriebsmanagement ...
Based on the findings of R.G. Eccles’ acclaimed "Performance Measurement Manifesto (1991)" this book introduces new contexts and themes of application and presents emerging research areas related to business performance measurement and ...