This volume aims to make a contribution towards filling this gap by describing and analyzing a selection of social accountability initiatives from seven Sub-Saharan countries.
Compromiso organizacional en las Mipymes antes y durante la pandemia de covid-19 3. Consecuencias de la pandemia de covid-19 en la orientación al mercado de los negocios de artesanías en Oaxaca 4.
Dieser Buchtitel ist Teil des Digitalisierungsprojekts Springer Book Archives mit Publikationen, die seit den Anfängen des Verlags von 1842 erschienen sind.
This report reviews the focus and development status of the labs; factors that hindered or assisted their development; whether labs were collecting performance data; and whether the labs achieved their goals. 200 labs surveyed.
These are the lack of integrated approaches to take into account company-specific requirements, the limited measurability of sustainability and the additional effort for sustainability assessments of logistics service providers.
Analise de Negocios e o conjunto de tarefas e tecnicas utilizadas para servir como ligacao entre as partes interessadas, no intuito de compreender a estrutura, politicas e operacoes de uma organizacao e para recomendar solucoes que permitam ...
Die Digitalisierung des deutschen Mittelstands schreitet kontinuierlich voran, wenngleich bei noch vielen Unternehmen grundlegende Komponenten einer Digitalinfrastruktur fehlen oder nicht im vollen, gewünschten Umfang vorhanden sind: Wie ...