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6 days ago ˇ The statue of Queen Maya Devi and Baby Buddha is a sacred representation of the momentous birth of Siddhartha Gautama, who would later become the Buddha. This ...
1 day ago ˇ Queen Mahamaya and King Suddhodana did not have child for twenty years in their marriage. One- day queen Maya dreamt of a white elephant entering her side.
3 days ago ˇ Queen Maya. Home. Shorts. Library. Queen Maya.
5 days ago ˇ 摩耶夫人 Queen Māyā of Sakya (mother of the Buddha)
5 days ago ˇ Devadaha, the hometown of Gautam Buddha's mother, Queen Maya, is 57km (35 miles) away, and has monuments built in her honor. Tilaurakot, the paternal home ...
6 days ago ˇ Queen Maya, the mother of Gautama Buddha, the founder of Buddhism, had a certain following, especially in Lumbini, where she gave birth to him. Since Maya ...
6 days ago ˇ Original Sound - by vinodchauhan8904 ˇ QUEEN MAYA. 39. Comment. 1. QUEEN MAYA. Esliye Bukamp A Jata Hai #moj #viral #trending #funny #Comedy.
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