Abstract. Indonesia is the largest country made only of islands, with previous census identifying between 13,000 and 25,000 islands. The current official figure puts the number at 17,508 islands.
People also ask
Which country has the most islands?
Are there 17000 islands in Indonesia?
How many islands in Indonesia are uninhabited?
What are the 6 major islands in Indonesia?
According to the Law No 9/1996 on Maritime Territory of Indonesia, of 17,508 officially listed islands within the territory of the Republic of Indonesia.
INDONESIA, the largest archipelago in the world to form a single state, consists of five main islands and some 30 smaller archipelagoes, totaling about 18,110 ...
Jun 13, 2017 ˇ But, here's the thing about the Thousand Islands: By most counts there are actually only 110 of them. When it comes to counting the land masses ...
Indonesia is composed of some 17,500 islands, of which more than 7,000 are uninhabited. Almost three-fourths of Indonesia's area is embraced by Sumatra, ...
It consists of over 17,000 islands, including Sumatra, Java, Sulawesi, and parts of Borneo and New Guinea.
Feb 19, 2018 ˇ At its last count in 2003, the government of Indonesia reported a total of 18,108 islands after relying on satellite images. This number ...
The current official figure puts the number at 17,508 islands. Landsat satellite images were used to provide a documented consistent inventory of the country's ...
HOW MANY ISLANDS IN INDONESIA ? There are approximately 17.000 islands in Indonesia but only 1% are suitable for our voluntary Robinsons.