Abstract: Machine learning-based (IDS) have become a critical component of safeguarding our economic and national security because of the massive quantities ...
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IJRASET is an international peer-reviewed, open-access and multidisciplinary online journal published for the enhancement of research in various disciplines.
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Abstract: In this work, a highly linear Cascode CMOS LNA is presented. Linearity issues in RF receiver frontend are discussed,.
Abstract: Fractal approach is a suitable method for the analysis of the complex time series. The Fractal dimension is the.
Abstract: Public transportation is regularly confined as a key part of building practical urban areas. The motivation behind this.
Abstract: This study was conducted since 2016 to 2017 in Gujarat University. As a term paper for master of philosophy water.
[PDF] The Struggles of PSD SHS Students who are Distressed in Certain ...
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Abstract: Background: The term "depression" is often misused as the term "distress" without knowing that the term. "depression" is a clinical term and a ...
Abstract: Single-Phase Induction motors are extensively used in appliances and Industrial controls. The permanent split.
[PDF] Influence of Gender and Self-Esteem on Appearance Anxiety among ...
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Abstract: One of the biggest issues faced by teens and young adults in their life is appearance anxiety. The purpose of the study.
Objectives: To find the direct product of an algebraic structure namely as GK algebra. Methods/Findings: We derive some important results in which direct ...