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Patterns explore unusual number relationships, series and sequences, and squares and square roots.
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With Calculators at Work in Daily Living, your stdents will get first-hand experience in the ways in which calculator use can improve efficiency and make math-related tasks in the home, around town, and on the job easier and faster.
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Texas Instruments has upgraded it's TI-83 calculator to meet the needs of the ever changing high school curriculum.
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This book will help you unlock all the magic, so you'll be able to use your TI-84 Plus for much more than basic math.
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In this witty mathematic and social history, Keith Houston transports readers from the nascent economies of the ancient world to World War II, where a Jewish engineer calculated for his life at Buchenwald, and into the technological arms ...
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How THIS BOOK DIFFERS This book is about the calculus.
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Get up to speed easily with your TI-89 Titanium Use advanced science and math applications, PDA functions, and more Your TI-89 Titanium graphing calculator is an amazing tool, and this plain-English guide gets you up and running on all the ...
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Perform amazing feats of mathematical magic, answer clever riddles, solve a baffling murder, and much more with this clever introduction to calculator games. Answers included.
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This book covers the main special functions that are available on the two most popular calculators, the Texas Instruments TI-55 and the Hewlett-Packard HP-33E.