Availability,low cost,maintainance,service, durability consider the dental ultrasonic scaler as the cost effective equipment in neurosurgerical tumour excision.
... ULTRASONIC SCALPEL IN NEUROSURGERY - IJAR - Indian Journal of Applied Research(IJAR) IJAR is a double reviewed monthly print journal that accepts research
Prolonged operation of an ultrasonic scaler may cause alteration of blood and nerve supplies to the operator finger. In this respect, adequate standardization ...
Missing: Cost Scalpel Neurosurgery - IJAR -
Allowing an overall saving of 325.36 EUR per patient, Ultrasound scalpel should be adopted for TT procedures in the "A.Gemelli" University hospital.
Missing: Dental Scaler IJAR - Indian Applied
Ultrasonic scalers use its vibrating power to eradicate different forms of dental plague and foreign components from the teeth. Through various on-field ...
Missing: Cost IJAR -
Following the cavitation effect, ultrasonic devices have been shown to be effective in reducing the probing pocket depth (PPD) and improving the overall effect ...
Missing: Scalpel Neurosurgery - IJAR -
the surgery. Thus, proper cleaning of these isthmuses using an ultrasonic tip during the surgery is an essen- tial step in microsurgery (Figure 9.11) ...
This technique is safe and useful for facial osteotomies and or osteoplasties with excellent results. Piezosurgery functioning principle is an ultrasonic ...
All the surgical protocols described in the literature used drilling techniques. Furthermore, the use of ultrasonic instruments in implant surgery compared with ...
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A systematic review for the 2014 ACC/AHA Guideline on Perioperative Cardiovascular Evaluation and Management of Patients Undergoing Noncardiac Surgery.