The Control Room is a 2022 British thriller television series created by Nick Leather and produced by Hartswood Films. It stars Iain De Caestecker and ...
Follows Gabe, an ordinary man who works as an emergency call handler for the Scottish Ambulance Service in Glasgow. One day he receives a desperate call ...
5.7/10 · IMDb
64% · Rotten Tomatoes
Iain De Caestecker and Joanna Vanderham star in thriller `The Control Room', which follows emergency call handler Gabe. While in the middle of a shift, Gabe receives a desperate life and death phone call from a woman who claims to know him. Under...
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An emergency call handler's life is turned upside down when he receives a mysterious call.
Jul 17, 2022 · BBC One's new three-part drama The Control Room is one of those rare beasts. It's a thriller that takes a tremendous, hooky premise, then builds ...
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In the emergency control room, Gabe deals with life and death. One day, the life on the line is his own. Gripping thriller with a stellar cast.
Jul 17, 2022 · An emergency call handler's life is turned upside down when he receives a mysterious call.
Gabe is an emergency call-handler in Glasgow with dark secrets from his childhood which unexpectedly come back to life when he takes a call at work.