The present study is an attempt to analyze the importance of Indian handloom sector and problems faced by this sector. The study reveals the problems that the ...
Sustaining Indian Traditional Textiles - IJAR - Indian Journal of Applied Research(IJAR) IJAR is a double reviewed monthly print journal that accepts research
There has been a growing concern over apparel brands in improving their environmental impact and the economic responsibility throughout their supply chains.
SUSTAINING INDIAN TRADITIONAL TEXTILES. March 2019; Indian Journal Of Applied Research 9(3):44-45. 9(3):44-45. Authors: akshita bakliwal.
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This ethnographic study peers through the lens of indigenous Nongtluh women textile artisans belonging to the Ri-Bhoi district in the state of Meghalaya
This open access online journal is to publish original research papers in all the subjects. It intends to publish 12 issues a year and is currently accepting ...
Missing: Sustaining Textiles -
In any condition if any National/International University denies accepting the research paper published in IJAR, then it is not ... sustainability of a.
IJAR - Indian Journal of Applied Research is a double reviewed monthly print journal that accepts research work. 36572+ Manuscript submission, ...
Missing: Sustaining Traditional Textiles -
... You will require to print the form. Please fill the form completely and send it to the Editor, INDIAN JOURNAL OF. APPLIED RESEARCH along with the ...
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Indian Journal of Applied Research. #*. 1269 I046. 0972-2483. Indian Journal ... Indian Journal of Pure & Applied Bioscience (International Journal of Pure ...