This book will be prepared by the Brazilian Department for Academic Leagues of Cardiovascular Surgery, within the Brazilian Society of Cardiovascular Surgery (BSCVS).
Designed to provide enough coverage for those students who want to gain as many marks as possible in their OSCEs, and not just a book which will ensure students ‘scrape a pass', the book is fully supported by a companion website at www ...
Medicine takes you through the ages of human history and uncovers the greatest medical breakthroughs, with incredible coverage of disease, drugs, treatment, and cures.
This book highlighted the significant aspects of the vast subject area of microbial biotechnology and their potential applications in food and pharmacology with various topics from eminent experts around the World.
The OpenIntro project was founded in 2009 to improve the quality and availability of education by producing exceptional books and teaching tools that are free to use and easy to modify.
Following the successful format of his other CRC handbooks, Duke's Handbook of Medicinal Plants of the Bible contains 150 herbs listed alphabetically and by scientific name.
The use of these drugs remains a continuous threat in health and medical care delivery, and this book will be an essential asset to the physician who may have to face the evaluation of patients whose use of these drugs compromises an ...
This book represents the first European effort to provide a collection of test descriptions used in evaluation of the compatibility of biomaterials in contact with tissues and blood.