INTRODUCTION: Neurocysticercosis is the most common parasitic disease of Nervous system, with a prevalence of 50 million people worldwide, 50,000 deaths ...
ABSTRACT Background: Neurocysticercosis (NCC) is the most common helminthic central nervous system (CNS) in- fection in developing countries, ...
Oct 6, 2023 · This study provides valuable clinical insights into NCC patients in Dali and underscores the significance of NCC as a leading preventable cause of epilepsy.
Missing: IJAR - Indian
Adult onset seizures were most prevalent in the middle‑aged adults than elderly; generalized seizures were more common than focal seizures. Most common ...
Oct 20, 2021 · Neurocysticercosis is a common cerebral parasitic infestation, caused due to pork tapeworm infection the infestations risks parallels the socio-economic status ...
Missing: IJAR - Applied
We describe the demographic, clinical, and radiological profiles of a large hospital cohort of patients with calcified NCC in Peru (during the period 2012–2022) 2022, INDIAN JOURNAL OF APPLIED RESEARCH, p. 34-35. Crossref citations: 0 · Race and the emergency department management ...
JOURNAL OF CLINICAL AND DIAGNOSTIC RESEARCH (2023). ... INDIAN JOURNAL OF APPLIED RESEARCH (2021). 10.36106/ijar/9302249 ... A study on the clinical features ...
analysis for renal stones promoters and inhibitors in North. India. Indian Journal of. Basic and Applied. Medical Research. Index copernicus. Original article.
Indian Journal of Medical Research. 2017. 0971-5916 · pdf/IJMR-146-105.pdf. Scopus. 6. Impaired Systemic ...
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