Most of the cases are from rural area and illiterates. 4% of the COPD females were smokers. Among non smokers biomass fuel exposure is the major risk factor.
Female smokers beyond the perimenopausal period are at increased risk of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: a systematic review and meta-analysis.
Apr 1, 2020 · Sex-based genetic association study identifies CELSR1 as a possible chronic obstructive pulmonary disease risk locus among women. Am J Respir ...
Missing: IJAR - Indian Applied
Cigarette smoking plays predominant role and is undoubtedly the major risk factor for the development of Emphysema and Chronic Bronchitis. This study includes ...
Overall, twin and familial aggregation studies suggest that genetic factors likely influence variation in pulmonary function in nonsmokers, but these results do ...
COPD isn't usually hereditary; it's caused by exposure to pollutants like cigarette smoke. But some people do inherit a protein deficiency that increases their ...
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