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71. Sign to speech converter for speech impaired people. Harsh Shekhar, Akash ... Submit Paper Online ˇ Author Guidelines ˇ IJARIIT Indexing ˇ Call For Papers.
May 17, 2020 ˇ Published by: Pallapu Satish Kumar, S. Leela Krishna, M. Shiva Prasad, T. YashwanthResearch Area: Electronics and Communication Engineering.
This document describes a voice-based email system for visually impaired people. It discusses existing challenges blind people face in accessing text-based ...
With the usage of these gloves, deaf and dumb people can translate hand gestures into visual output as well as audio output. To simplify the daily chores of ...
This paper is aimed at designing, implementing, and developing a sensor-based smart glove system for the recognition of sign language. The system includes a ...
K. Prasada Rao. MECH. International Journal for. Research in Applied Science. & Engineering Technology. (IJRASET). 2022. 2321-9653
Oct 15, 2024 ˇ It is indeed our pleasure and privilege to host the National Conference on “Next Generation Intelligence in Electronics and Communication.
May 7, 2018 ˇ Paper Title: Design of Zipper Antenna for Women Safety. Abstract: The suggested system utilizes an inverted F metal zipper to act as an ...
Aug 31, 2024 ˇ This paper's main area is to offer an insight survey for machine learning in addition to deep uses for knowledge in many fields. Certain ...
The document discusses the challenges of crafting a literature review on automatic speech recognition (ASR). It notes that ASR is a complex, dynamic field ...