Mar 29, 2023 · Gayatri Kapse (2023). Proposed survey questionnaire for the diagnosis of irritable bowel syndrome: Based on patient complaints. International ...
A set of questions were drafted based on patient complaints and each question had a scoring system. Basis the patient's response to each question the total ...
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Apr 24, 2023 · This survey-based study aimed to analyze the current status of irritable bowel syndrome treatment to examine differences in doctors' perceptions of the disease ...
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Jul 26, 2012 · This novel questionnaire may be useful and valid as a simple tool distinguishing patients harbouring a CAWP syndrome from those having IBS.
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The study questionnaire was divided into three parts. The aim of the first one was to collect demographic data, to describe the disease (diagnosis lag time, ...
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The IBS-QOL is currently the most validated and highly responsive self-report quality-of-life measure specific to Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) that can be ...
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