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Volume : IX, Issue : III, March - 2019. Prevalence and Patterns of anemia during pregnancy in a Hospital based study. Saurabh Shrivastava, Vishakha Rathore ...
Prevalence and Patterns of anemia during pregnancy in a Hospital based study. - IJAR - Indian Journal of Applied Research(IJAR) IJAR is a double reviewed ...
In India, approximately 1.7 million babies are born with birth defects annually, contributing to 8%-15% of prenatal mortality and 13%-16% of newborn deaths [5].
During pregnancy, the demand for iron increases to support the growing fetus and placenta. If the mother's iron stores are inadequate, it can lead to anemia.
Nov 20, 2020 · associate factors of low birth weight in North Indian babies: A rural based study. International journal of community medicine & public health ...
Prevalence of Anaemia among Patients with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus and its Prognostic. Significance, Mohd Akbar Ali, Taha Mahboob Ali Khalid, International ...
Anemia in third trimester of Pregnancy and Birth weight: a. Retrospective case control study in a tertiary care Hospital in rural maharashtra. International ...
Tethered cord Syndrome: A study of clinical manifestations and their surgical outcome. August 2022, Indian Journal of Applied Research, National, Anup Kela, ...
Singh A, Singh H, PATEL S. Screening of bone mineral density by densitometer and correlation with Serum Calcium and Vitamin D.
Study of ECG Changes in Primary Hypothyroidism.Indian Journal Of Applied Research Volume-9|issue-12|Dec.2019|print ISSN2249-555X|BOI:10.36106/ijar. Page No.01 ...