Abstract: In this paper, a high-performance adder is designed for low power application. Carry Select Adder (CSLA) is known to be the fastest adder among ...
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A digital designer has to concentrate on many criteria like. Circuit speed, power consumption, area, and cost. The fundamental arithmetic operations like ...
Missing: Optimization BEC
This paper presents performanceanalysis of different Fast Adders. The comparison is done on thebasis of three performance parameters i.e. Area, Speed andPower ...
Missing: published IJARIIT
Oct 7, 2019 · ... BEC-based structure reduces logic redundancy, thus reducing area and power consumption. ... optimization compared with regular CSLA. In ...
Missing: IJARIIT | Show results with:IJARIIT
To overcome this problem an add-one circuit was introduced by incorporating a BEC. Therefore in Modified Linear. CSLA, a Binary to Excess-1 circuit is used.
The gate level modification is to reduce the power and area of carry select adder by using the concept of Arithmetic Logic Unit (ALU). In this paper , different ...
A novel high-speed and area-efficient adder architecture based on a carry-select adder and Han-Carlson adder that achieves the lowest ADP and PDP.
Missing: IJARIIT | Show results with:IJARIIT
In [1]. RCA was replaced with Binary to Excess-1 Converter. (BEC) in CSA to reduce power and area. This design reduced the power but the delay was found to be ...
In this an area efficient modified CSLA scheme based on a new first zero detection logic is proposed. The gate count in 32-bit modified CSLA can be greatly ...
The Modified Carry Select Adder incorporates the Binary to Excess -1 Converter (BEC) and is known to be the fastest adder as compared to all the conventional ...
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