Movement Direction Algorithm for Geographic Routing Protocol in Vehicular Networks  published in "IJARIIT" from
The research reflected in this book addresses these very problems. It is a collection of articles which establish a conceptual foundation for the research area of Computer-Supported Cooperative Work.
Movement Direction Algorithm for Geographic Routing Protocol in Vehicular Networks  published in "IJARIIT" from
Moreover, this group of authors represents various schools of thought and geographies, making this book particularly rich and cross-disciplinary.
Movement Direction Algorithm for Geographic Routing Protocol in Vehicular Networks  published in "IJARIIT" from
Laser-Assisted Microtechnology deals with laser applications to a wide variety of problems in microelectronic design and fabrication.
Movement Direction Algorithm for Geographic Routing Protocol in Vehicular Networks  published in "IJARIIT" from
Reinforcement, Velocity measurement, Test equipment, Prestressed concrete, Flaw detection, Strength of materials, Testing conditions, Reinforced concrete, Transducers, Modulus of elasticity, Poisson ratio, Sonic testing, Error correction, ...
Movement Direction Algorithm for Geographic Routing Protocol in Vehicular Networks  published in "IJARIIT" from
The only remaining issue is how to tap the enormous potential value buried in Code Halos. This book provides the model for doing just that. This is more than just a Big Data story. This is about the next era of business.
Movement Direction Algorithm for Geographic Routing Protocol in Vehicular Networks  published in "IJARIIT" from
This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of 11 symposia and workshops held at the 10th International Conference on Security, Privacy and Anonymity in Computation, Communication, and Storage, SpaCCS 2017, held in Guangzhou, China, in ...
Movement Direction Algorithm for Geographic Routing Protocol in Vehicular Networks  published in "IJARIIT" from
This book provides a reference guide for researchers, scientists and industrialists working in the area of soft computing, and highlights the latest advances in and applications of soft computing techniques in multidisciplinary areas.