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Histopathological Spectrum Of Central Nervous System Tumors,IJAR - Indian Journal of Applied Research(IJAR) IJAR is a double reviewed monthly print journal ...
Conclusion:In the present study Astrocytoma is the most common glial tumor reported, followed by the meningiomas and metastatic tumor. Keywords : CNS tumors ...
Indian Journal Of Applied Research. DOI:10.36106/ijar ... Histopathological Spectrum of Central Nervous System Tumors: A Single Centre Study of 100 Cases.
Journal: INDIAN JOURNAL OF APPLIED RESEARCH, 2021, p. 8-11 ... Histopathological Spectrum of Central Nervous System Tumours in a Tertiary Care Centre.
Aims: The aim of this study was to observe recent incidence of different brain tumors and to study clinical and histopathological spectrum of brain tumors in ...
[3] Many non-neoplastic CNS lesions can clinically & radiologically simulate brain tumors. In such cases, histopathological [5] examination (HPE) can be helpful ...
WHO classification of tumors of the central nervous system, Lyon: IARC; 2007. ... Histological spectrum of central nervous system lesions at a tertiary care ...
Role of Imprint Cytology in the. Diagnosis of Upper Gastrointestinal tract lesions.Indian Journal of Public Health Research and. Developmen (IJPHRD) 2013: 4(3); ...
Primary demyelinating diseases of Central Nervous System (CNS) encompass several entities such as multiple sclerosis, myelinoclastic diffuse sclerosis and Acute ...
P.Histopathological Spectrum of Central Nervous System Lesion in a Teriary Care. Hospital in Eastern India . pISSN- 2349-2562, eISSN- 2349-2570/ Vol. 8/Issue ...