A hand is a prehensile, multi-fingered appendage located at the end of the forearm or forelimb of primates such as humans, chimpanzees, monkeys, and lemurs.
Kids Definition · 1. a. : the free end part of the arm or forelimb when used (as in human beings) for handling, grasping, and holding · 2. : something ...
- the end part of a person's arm beyond the wrist, including the palm, fingers, and thumb."he was leading her by the hand"synonyms: fist, palm, paw, mitt, duke, hook, meat hook, nieve, manus, metacarpus
- a pointer on a clock or watch indicating the passing of units of time."the second hand"synonyms: pointer, indicator, needle, arrow, marker, index
- used in reference to the power to direct something."the day-to-day running of the house was in her hands"synonyms: control, power, charge, authority, command, responsibility, guardianship, management, care, supervision, jurisdiction, possession, keeping, custody, clutches, grasp, disposal, say-so, thrall
- a person's workmanship, especially in artistic work."this should be a clue in attributing other work to his hand"
- a person who engages in manual labor, especially in a factory, on a farm, or on board a ship."a factory hand"synonyms: worker, factory worker, manual worker, unskilled worker, blue-collar worker, workman, workwoman, workperson, working man, laborer, operative, hired hand, hireling, roustabout, employee, artisan, farmhand, farm worker, field hand, crewman, sailor, deckhand, peon, rouseabout, mazdoor, khalasi, mechanical
- the set of cards dealt to a player in a card game."he's got a good hand"
- a unit of measurement of a horse's height, equal to 4 inches (10.16 cm).
- a bunch of bananas."mottled hands of bananas"
- pick (something) up and give it to (someone)."he handed each man a glass"synonyms: pass, give, reach, let someone have, throw, toss, pass to, hand over to, deliver to, present to, transfer to, convey to, chuck, bung
- hold the hand of (someone) in order to help them move in the specified direction."he handed him into a carriage"synonyms: assist, help, aid, give someone a hand, give someone a helping hand, give someone assistance, guide, convey, conduct, lead
- take in or furl (a sail)."hand in the main!"
People also ask
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What is the verb of hands?
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The hand is composed of many different bones, muscles, and ligaments that allow for a large amount of movement and dexterity.
Sep 1, 2024 · Hand, grasping organ at the end of the forelimb of certain vertebrates that exhibits great mobility and flexibility in the digits and in the ...
May 20, 2021 · Hands have a very delicate and complex structure. This gives muscles and joints in the hand a great range of movement and precision.
HAND is a nonprofit membership collective comprised of over 450 institutions working across the private, public and social sectors to collaborate in the ...
Feb 16, 2024 · Use hand sanitizer when you can't use soap and water. Washing hands with soap and water is the best way to get rid of germs in most situations.
7 days ago · the part of the body at the end of the arm that includes the fingers and is used for holding, moving, touching, and feeling things:.
The skeletal muscles of the hand are responsible for the movement of the hand and fingers.[1] These muscles subdivide into two groups: the extrinsic and ...
Jun 29, 2016 · A total of 27 bones constitute the basic skeleton of the wrist and hand. These are grouped into carpals, metacarpals, and phalanges.