Fully revised, new edition presenting latest developments in gynaecology. Includes numerous graphics and diagrams and an interactive DVD ROM. Previous edition published in 2007.
Careful clinical and laboratory investigations are essential to proper diagnosis. Local resistance patterns should always be considered before making decisions on individual patients.
The purpose of this textbook is multiple: to offer a comprehensive resource covering all aspects of outpatient management; to address diabetes as a health problem from an epidemiological, economic and clinical perspective; to discuss the ...
This book does not attempt to rival major surgical textbooks, but draws together a collection of basic information in a convenient format. It provides a transition in knowledge between the basic sciences and clinical practice.
This book serves the needs of the dental, nursing and paramedical students. This book is written to serve both the undergraduates and post graduates to face the practical and viva-voce confidently and derive the maximum benefit.
Home-based maternal records have also shown their potential to encourage more appropriate referrals and better utilization of health services, to promote self-diagnosis and self-care, to foster greater community involvement, and to ...
The emphasis of the manual is on rapid assessment and decision making. The clinical action steps are based on clinical assessment with limited reliance on laboratory or other tests and most are possible in a variety of clinical settings.