... parviflora are less than 10 inch long , and the entire flower is only about % inch across , making it truly a small flower , as in the name parviflora . The petals of all Gaura species do not appear to go completely around the center ...
Wilfred William Robbins. SCARLET GAURA ( Gaura coccinea Nutt . ) ( Fig . 198 ) This species is a native , ex- tending ... parviflora Dougl . ) Velvet weed is a native of western United States which has attracted attention in the ...
... Gaura parviflora Douglas ex Lehmann [ G. parviflora var . lacnocarpa Weatherby ] LIZARD TAIL , VELVET WEED . Non - seasonal ephemerals with a stout taproot , slender , erect , often reaching 1-2 m , often un- branched or with a few ...
... Gaura parviflora Dougl .; Hook . Fl . Bor . Amer . 1 : 208. 1830 . TYPE LOCALITY : " Sandy banks of the Wallahwallah River . " RANGE : Washington and North Dakota to Louisiana and Mexico . NEW MEXICO : Throughout the State . Lower and ...
Kay Yatskievych. 594 Gaura parviflora Douglas ex Lehm . -Onagraceae , Evening - Primrose Family -SMALL - FLOWERED GAURA Annual or beinnial herb to 2 m , mostly single - stemmed , branched above ; petals 4 , 1.5-3 mm , white turning pink ...