Conclusion: Our study showed the feasibility of ultrasound elastography, in discriminating between malignant and benign liver lesions, which can be an aid in ...
elastography could be an additional useful tool in the characterisation of focal liver lesions, thereby aiding in further management. AIM AND OBJECTIVES: Ÿ. To ...
While ultrasound elastography has shown promising results for non-invasive assessment of liver fibrosis, new applications in breast, thyroid, prostate, kidney ...
Missing: Efficacy IJAR - Indian
Ultrasound Elastography is non-invasive, non-contrast enhanced, easy to perform and is efficient in the characterization of focal liver lesion. This study was ...
Missing: IJAR - | Show results with:IJAR -
Contrast-enhanced sonography improves the characterization of focal liver lesions and may limit the need for further investigations.
Missing: IJAR - | Show results with:IJAR -
The aim of this study was to investigate whether SWE examination, which has recently been proposed as an accessory radiological examination technique, is ...
Missing: Histopathologic Indian
Oct 22, 2024 · Results: The present study inferred that Triple phase CECT is a highly sensitive and speci c imaging modality for detection and characterization ...
The Role of Contrast-Enhanced Ultrasound (CEUS) in Identifying and Characterizing Focal Liver Lesions ... Focal Liver Lesions and Correlation with Dynamic ...
Jan 11, 2023 · 2D shear wave sono-elastography is a robust technique and is capable of evaluating stiffness changes in the liver associated with solid focal liver lesions.
Another confounding factor that must be mentioned is that the SWE values overlap between malignant and benign lesions, leading to diagnostic confusion.