Objective: The study was conducted to explore determinants of PPA. Methodology: A community based observational study among the mothers of children aged 6–23 ...
DISTRIBUTION AND DETERMINANTS OF POST-PARTUM AMENORRHEA. IN A SLUM OF KOLKATA. Dr. Sweta Suman. MBBS, Postgraduate Trainee, Department of Preventive and Social ...
Dec 16, 2016 · Duration of breastfeeding, parity, residence, contraceptive use have a significant impact on duration of postpartum amenorrhea (PPA).
Missing: Slum Kolkata - IJAR -
The present study aimed to investigate the proximate factors influencing the duration of PPA. A community-based, cross-sectional study was conducted in four ...
Missing: Slum Kolkata - IJAR - Indian Applied
Background: Duration of post partum amenorrhoea (PPA) is amongst one that regulates fertility process; and can be substantially longer among prolonged ...
Missing: Kolkata - IJAR -
Background: The largest proportion of women with an unmet need for contraception is found among those in their first year after childbirth; ...
Missing: Amenorrhea IJAR -
Descriptions of breastfeeding practices among residents in slum areas of Kolkata and the influence of breastfeeding on postpartum amenorrhoea is the focus of ...
Missing: Distribution Determinants Post partum IJAR - Journal Applied Research
Jan 4, 2016 · Results: Duration of breastfeeding, parity, residence, contraceptive use have a significant impact on duration of postpartum amenorrhea (PPA) ...
Missing: Kolkata - IJAR -
Under this specification, we make the assumption that the waiting times for each transition are governed by a. Gompertz distribution (shown in Table 2).
Missing: Slum Kolkata - IJAR - Indian Applied
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