Apr 22, 2017 · Congestion Control in Wireless Communication with Multiple Radio Interfaces. Authors: Ms. Pranali Ghadge, Suraj Kurde, Ms. Vrushali Uttarwar ...
Abstract: Congestion control is a basic requirement for wireless communication. Number of devices need to communicate using.
People also ask
What is congestion control in network communication?
What are the congestion control techniques in wireless sensor networks?
Which is the protocol used to handle congestion in wireless network?
More specifically, in this paper, we investigate the problem of planning future cellular networks in detail. To this end, we first provide a brief tutorial on ...
Aug 31, 2023 · Over the past one decade the world has experienced an enormous development in technological innovation.
Nov 2, 2023 · ABSTRACT. Traditional energy meters have suffered from a lack of automated analysis and inaccuracy in reading.
May 7, 2018 · Paper Title: Design of Zipper Antenna for Women Safety. Abstract: The suggested system utilizes an inverted F metal zipper to act as an ...
Novel Link Establishment Communication Scheme against Selfish Attack Using Node Reward with Trust Level Evaluation Algorithm in MANET ... Wireless Communication ...
Page 1. List and links of the papers published in journals listed in UGC CARE list. S. No. Title of paper. Name of the author/s. Dep artm ent of the teac her.
Abstract – A finite element approach, based on the cubic B-spline collocation, is presented for the numerical solution of a class of singularly.
application in wireless communication system and has a major advantage. To meet the required bandwidth and resonant frequency for a wireless communication ...