Conclusions. Buprenorphine added to bupivacaine provides earlier onset and longer postoperative epidural analgesia than epidural butorphanol with bupivacaine.
Missing: IJAR - Applied
Buprenorphine had a longer duration of analgesia when compared to butorphanol tartrate (586.17 ± 73.64 vs. 342.53 ± 47.42 [P < 0.001]). Nausea, vomiting (13% vs ...
Missing: IJAR - | Show results with:IJAR -
Conclusion: Epidural butorphanol appears to provide safer and faster postoperative analgesia without much untoward effects but its analgesic action is short so ...
Missing: Buprenorphine Orthopaedic IJAR -
Comparision of analgesic effects of epidural Butorphanol versus epidural Buprenorphine in post operative patients after lower limb orthopaedic surgeries.
Buprenorphine added to bupivacaine provides earlier onset and longer postoperative epidural analgesia than epidural butorphanol with bupivacaine.
Missing: IJAR - Applied
Epidural analgesia with opioids has advantage over systemic opioids by providing adequate analgesia with lesser doses and less incidence of cardiovascular, ...
Comparison of the analgesic effects of morphine and tramadol after tumor surgery in dogs. Open Veterinary Journal, 11(4), 613–618. Scopus. ...
Jun 15, 2015 · ABSTRACT: AIMS: This study was done to ascertain whether epidural bupivacaine with buprenorphine provides better quality of analgesia when ...
Missing: Butorphanol IJAR -
From the study it was found that Butorphanol was signi cantly better than Fentanyl in providing longer duration of analgesia. Butorphanol as adjuvant to ...
Epidural butorphanol appears to provide safer and faster postoperative analgesia without much untoward effects but its analgesic action is short so more ...
Missing: IJAR - Indian