EXISTING SYSTEM. In the existing work, the J48 algorithm with the K- means clustering algorithm is performed on the crop yielding dataset. The result ...
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Mar 1, 2022 · Vani Yelamali (2022). Clustering Algorithms and Classification Method for the Analysis of the Crop Yielding Dataset. International Journal of ...
For clustering, here I used K-Means Clustering and which is an unsupervised learning algorithm that is habituated to break the clustering problems in machine ...
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In this paper, applying data clustering to observe disseminated dataset of expansive crop ... methods that progressively utilizes information preparing approach ...
The proposed study proposes a crop recommendation system that employs MapReduce and improved K-means (IKM) clustering to get computationally efficient results.
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To perform clustering, Fuzzy c means clustering approach is taken. Fuzzy C Means Clustering-. In this research Fuzzy c-means (FCM) is a method of clustering.
Mar 8, 2024 · This paper focuses on utilizing various data mining classification algorithms to predict the impact of various parameters such as area, season and production ...
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The paper proposes a system that uses K-means clustering for segmentation ... composition of the dataset and can help guide future research and analysis.
Clustering techniques are applied to divide regions; and then suitable classification techniques is applied to obtain crop yield predictions. ANN provides ...
Missing: published IJARIIT
yield of the crop using machine learning algorithm. IJESRT. 7(1): 1-7. Qasim, M., S. Hassan, A. Bashir, H.Z. Mahmood and I. Mehmood. 2015. Analyzing ...