Showing results for Clinical And Biochemical Profile Of Acute Organophosphorus Poisoning - GJRA - Global Journal For Research Analysis
Volume : V, Issue : XI, November - 2016. CLINICAL AND BIOCHEMICAL PROFILE OF ACUTE ORGANOPHOSPHORUS POISONING. Dr Elumalai Ganesan, Dr K Ganesa Moorthy ...
INTRODUCTION: Poisoning is one among the common causes of causalities dealt by an emergency department physician where Organophosphorous compound (OPC) and ...
May 27, 2022 · This study included six cases of patients with AOPP in addition to cardiac arrest; in four cases, cardiac arrest occurred <12 h after ingestion, ...
Oct 2, 2022 · This retrospective study focuses on statistical reports and analyzed the demographic and laboratory data of 49 pediatric patients diagnosed with ...
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This study aimed to investigate the cardiac manifestations of organophosphorus compound ingestion and explore the frequency and variation of electrocardiogram ( ...
Mubasheer Ali. X 1 GJRA-GLOBAL JOURNAL FOR RESEARCH ANALYSIS Organophosphorus poisoning is a signi cant health concern, particularly in developing countries ...
Introduction – Physiology. 2. Mechanism of Transport. 3. Membrane transport protein. 4. Resting membrane potential. 5. Introduction – Immunity.
Sep 27, 2022 · The present study was conducted to profile clinically the patients admitted with history of acute organophosphorus poisoning.
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scholarly journals A Fatal Case of Severe Acute Organophosphorus Pesticide Poisoning Complicated with Secondary Hemophagocytic Lympho-Histiocytosis, Severe ...
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