Automated Performance Evaluation System  published in IJARIIT from
... review of automatic cleaning systems of solar panels. In: Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments, vol. 47. Elsevier, p. 101518. Derakhshandeh, J., Gharib, N., Hadipour, M., 2019. An intelligent IoT-based control system for ...
Automated Performance Evaluation System  published in IJARIIT from
... performance. IFAC Papers Online, pp 736–741 3. Kavatkar T, Salvi H, Rahate M (2017) Design and analysis of intelligent braking system ... IJARIIT 3(2). ISSN: 2454-132X 8. Wada T, Doi S, Tsuru N, Isaji K, Kaneko H (2010) Characterization ...