SECURITY THREATS IN CLOUD COMPUTING. Top nine security threats to cloud computing discovered by “Cloud Security Alliance” (CSA) [7] published in February 2013 ...
Mar 10, 2017 · Mohammed Ubada (2017). A Survey on Authentication in Cloud Computing For Data Storage Security. International Journal of Advance Research, Ideas ...
This research addresses the security issues connected with cloud computing, provides analysis of the militating factors against the successful implementation of ...
Cloud Computing is an environment for providing information and resources that are delivered as a service to end-users over the Internet on demand.
A Novel Technique of Data Security in Cloud Computing based on Blowfish with MD5 method ... A survey paper on privacy of medical data storage on the cloud.
Jun 1, 2024 · In this work, we provide a comprehensive study of cloud computing security and privacy concerns. We identify cloud vulnerabilities, classify ...
The major disadvantages of cloud computing are privacy issue and service provider's wilful destruction of stored data to create space for fresh data entry.
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This survey paper introduces a detailed analysis of the cloud security problem. In this paper various existing approaches related to data encryption and message ...
This paper proposes various methods for anonymous authentication for data stored in cloud. Cloud verifies the authenticity of the series without knowing the ...
The survey meticulously examines existing research on cloud computing vulnerabilities, security mechanisms, and the underlying challenges.
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