This book will be prepared by the Brazilian Department for Academic Leagues of Cardiovascular Surgery, within the Brazilian Society of Cardiovascular Surgery (BSCVS).
The book presents step-by-step instructions with illustrative, full-color photographs to aid in accurately collecting samples and performing in-house diagnostics.
Designed to provide enough coverage for those students who want to gain as many marks as possible in their OSCEs, and not just a book which will ensure students ‘scrape a pass', the book is fully supported by a companion website at www ...
The aim of the work is to provide advice to the clinician and to give reference to the underlying science. This will not only enable clinicians to understand the underlying science but will also give scientists an insight to clinical work.
The text is ideal for those undertaking subspecialty PHEM training, studying for postgraduate prehospital degree modules, or practitioners undertaking PHEM exams.
Euphemism and Dysphemism In this fascinating study, Keith Allan and Kate Burrige examine the linguistic, social, and psychological aspects of this intriguing universal practice.
In this book, a cursory account of quality attributes of fresh and processed foods is provided. The book is of interest to food scientists, nutritionists and biochemists in academia, government and industry.