This fourth edition of the anthrax guidelines encompasses a systematic review of the extensive new scientific literature and relevant publications up to end 2007 including all the new information that emerged in the 3-4 years after the ...
This is the second volume in a series of monographs which are intended to promote information exchange and international harmonised standards for the quality control and use of herbal medicines.
"The Avian Disease Manual is the best selling publication of the AAAP. Over the years we have been able to deliver at a reasonable cost, concise yet complete information on commonly encountered diseases affecting poultry.
Moreover, previously unpublished new data are presented. A post-graduate Boerhaave course "Cutaneous Melanoma and Precursor Lesions" was held at Leiden University on 12 and 13 April,. 1984. The proceedings are contained in this volume.
The combination of a detailed clinical and research approach, with emphasis on new knowledge and innovative aspects, ensures that the book will be of value to a wide readership comprising both clinicians and researchers.
This book discusses current evidence on human viruses and provides an extensive coverage of newly emerged viruses and current strategies for treatment.