"A key requirement for the effective implementation of the therapeutic approach, based on the intravenous administration of radiolabelled compounds (radionuclide therapy), is the sufficient availability of radionuclides with appropriate ...
After the U. K. , the host countries were Belgium, Switzerland, the Netherlands, France, Sweden, Italy, Israel and Austria. The second symposium in Liege already bore the present name.
English is not your mother tongue? This enjoyable book offers everything you need to cope with everyday situations as a resident in English-speaking countries, at scientific meetings or just to stay up to date with medical advances.
Fully revised, new edition presenting latest developments in gynaecology. Includes numerous graphics and diagrams and an interactive DVD ROM. Previous edition published in 2007.
Histopathologists all over the world have to report cytopathology during the course of their work and it is then that they find themselves facing diagnostic dilemmas.
This volume contains topical chapters on the pathology of shock, religious attitudes to death, incised wounds, radiological investigations, metabolic disorders in childhood, maternal deaths, body alterations and piercings which are ...