Jun 10, 2020 · extruded products were determined and found significantly with process parameters. ... Maize-Millet Based Soy Fortified Extruded Product. Int.J.
The objective of present research work was to investigate the effect of process parameters viz., barrel temperature, screw speed and feed moisture content ...
Effect of Extrusion Process Parameters on Textural Properties of Maize-Millet Based Soy. Fortified Extruded Product. Chandrahas Sahu*. Department of Dairy ...
Jun 9, 2020 · Effect of Extrusion Process Parameters on Textural Properties of Maize-Millet Based Soy Fortified Extruded Product Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App ...
Dec 12, 2017 · Optimised weaning mix was developed using extrudates of maize (Zea mays) and mungbean. (Vignaradiata) flour with high protein and starch ...
There was a significant effect of feed moisture on all of the estimated responses. Screw speed had significant effect on ER, BD, WSI and hardness of extrudates ...