Problems Associated with Physical and Chemical Properties of Vertisols and Management Options in Agriculture A: Review ; [13], Carter, M. R., 2002. Soil quality ...
People also ask
What are the problems with Vertisols?
What are the limitations of Vertisols in crop production?
What are the physical properties of Vertisols?
Are Vertisols good for agriculture?
Sep 8, 2023 · Abstract: Vertisols are a group of heavy-textured soils which occur extensively in the tropics, subtropics and warm temperate.
Problems Associated with Physical and Chemical Properties of Vertisols and Management Options in Agriculture - A Review.Int.J.Curr.Res.Aca.Rev. 11(6): 13-21
Vertisols, because of their high water-holding capacity, are suited to dryland crop production in semi-arid environments with uncertain and heavy rainfall, ...
Volume 11, Issue 5, October 2023. Problems Associated with Physical and Chemical Properties of Vertisols and Management Options in Agriculture A: Review.
Though generally of low fertility status, Vertisols offer opportunities for better crop production in semi-arid areas with erratic rainfall compared with other ...
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Management of Vertisols is a challenging task because of specific physical constraints such as narrow workable range of soil moisture, peculiar consistency of ...
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Second, water logging leads to modification of soil physical and chemical characteristics, leading to a decrease in output. A surface drainage technology ...
Fundamental soil hydraulic and irrigation management properties, such as water retention and infiltration rate of the soils were evaluatedd along with the ...
Burning and removal of crop residue, deforestation, overgrazing, high human habitation, and crop production on steep terrains are among the major problem ...
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