
Learn to pronounce in·fringe·ment

  1. the action of breaking the terms of a law, agreement, etc.; violation.
    "copyright infringement"
    synonyms: contravention, violation, transgression, breach, breaking, nonobservance, noncompliance, neglect, dereliction, failure to observe, infraction, delict, undermining, erosion, weakening, compromise, limitation, curb, check, encroachment, disruption, disturbance
  2. the action of limiting or undermining something.
    "the infringement of the right to privacy"

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6 days ago · 1. The act of infringing : violation. 2. An encroachment or trespass on a right or privilege. Synonyms See all Synonyms & Antonyms in Thesaurus.
an action that breaks a rule, law, etc.: copyright infringement, infringement of, Even minor infringements of the law will be severely punished.
An infringement is a minor offense that involves breaking a rule or a law. If your sister takes a chapter from your book and publishes it as her own, ...
noun · a breach or infraction, as of a law, right, or obligation; violation; transgression. · an act of infringing.
An infringement is a violation, a breach, or an unauthorized act. Infringement occurs in various situations. A harm to one's right is an infringement.
An infringement is an action or situation that interferes with your rights and the freedom you are entitled to. ...infringement of privacy.
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Infringement refers to the violation of a law or a right. Infringement may refer to: Infringement procedure, a European Court of Justice procedure to determine ...
Infringement, in the context of intellectual property, it is the act of using another's protected intellectual property without permission.
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1) a trespassing or illegal entering. 2) in the law of patents (protected inventions) and copyrights (protected writings or graphics), the improper use of a ...
INFRINGE meaning: 1 : to do something that does not obey or follow (a rule, law, etc.) (chiefly US) + on or upon; 2 : to wrongly limit or restrict ...