
Learn to pronounce foot·way

a path or track for pedestrians.

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FOOTWAY (plural FOOTWAYs) A passage for pedestrians only. Synonyms. passage ... 2024, . The Word Finder.
Usually means: Path designated for pedestrian use. Definitions Related words Mentions History. We found 16 dictionaries that define the word footway: General ...
rather than "footway" doesn't mean that pavements are not included in it, since ... that is generally true, although different legislation can define them
Rodney Hitch highway engineers use the term "pavement" to mean all the paved parts of the highway, so you also need separate terms to define the carriageway and ...
Description. This form is used to define a length of pedestrian live load on a railway bridge footway in accordance with DMRB BD 37/01, Clause 8.9 ...
Although the 'pavement' is defined as the 'footway ... It may be relatively easy to define a pavement obstruction but not so easy to define when it is necessary.
highway=footway is a footway in urban areas (beneath road, in parks, ... Define "stick" i.e. no one can force people to tag in a certain way, so what ...
Oct 1, 2023 · ... footway=crossing can reasonably interrupt the highway ... It's easy to define and easy to distinguish visually from other crossing types.
Feb 6, 2024 · In our report we define the purpose of a continuous footway and describe what we think is required to create 'real' continuous footways. We ...
Definition of footway is የእግረኛ መንገድ. Translation of footway in Amharic. footway - ትርጉም. ... ስለ footway ትርጓሜ ወይም የሚያውቁትን እውነታ ከዚህ ያስገቡ።