4 days ago ˇ There are few constants in American foreign policy. One of them is deference to UNRWA, the internationally funded welfare agency for ...
People also ask
Why is UNRWA controversial?
Does the US support UNRWA?
Is UNRWA a legitimate charity?
How did UNRWA help Palestine?
Feb 25, 2024 ˇ Alex Joffe is the director of strategic initiatives for the Association for the Study of the Middle East and Africa (ASMEA). Image: Shutterstock ...
Alex Joffe (Ph.D. University of Arizona). Specializes in ancient and modern Middle Eastern studies, American foreign policy, and American cultural politics.
Feb 10, 2024 ˇ UN watch have warned them for years. unwatch.org A minimum of 10 UNRWA staff were Hamas militants and 23% of male staff were involved in Hamas ...
The story of the first UNRWA whistleblower is, therefore, instructive. Lt. General Sir Alexander Galloway, a distinguished British officer, ...
1 day ago ˇ One of them is deference to UNRWA, the internationally funded welfare agency for Palestinians. This organization is implicated in terrorism. The ...
Archaeologist, historian, podcaster, general irritant. I don't live in the past, I just work there. http://tinyurl.com/3vhyymez alexanderjoffe.net
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Alex Joffe studies Near Eastern Archaeology, Ancient Near East, and Syro-Palestinian archaeology. Alex Joffe currently does many different things.
In 1952 Lt.-Gen. Sir Alexander Galloway, a noted British soldier-diplomat who was then UNRWA director in Jordan, made what was to become a famous statement to a ...
Transfer UNRWA's Responsibilities to Whom? By Dr. Alex JoffeApril 20, 2018 ... Alex Joffe is an archaeologist and historian. He is a Shillman-Ginsburg ...