4 days ago ˇ There are few constants in American foreign policy. One of them is deference to UNRWA, the internationally funded welfare agency for ...
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Feb 25, 2024 ˇ Alex Joffe is the director of strategic initiatives for the Association for the Study of the Middle East and Africa (ASMEA). Image: Shutterstock ...
Alex Joffe (Ph.D. University of Arizona). Specializes in ancient and modern Middle Eastern studies, American foreign policy, and American cultural politics.
Feb 10, 2024 ˇ UN watch have warned them for years. A minimum of 10 UNRWA staff were Hamas militants and 23% of male staff were involved in Hamas ...
The story of the first UNRWA whistleblower is, therefore, instructive. Lt. General Sir Alexander Galloway, a distinguished British officer, ...
1 day ago ˇ One of them is deference to UNRWA, the internationally funded welfare agency for Palestinians. This organization is implicated in terrorism. The ...
Archaeologist, historian, podcaster, general irritant. I don't live in the past, I just work there.
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Alex Joffe studies Near Eastern Archaeology, Ancient Near East, and Syro-Palestinian archaeology. Alex Joffe currently does many different things.
In 1952 Lt.-Gen. Sir Alexander Galloway, a noted British soldier-diplomat who was then UNRWA director in Jordan, made what was to become a famous statement to a ...
Transfer UNRWA's Responsibilities to Whom? By Dr. Alex JoffeApril 20, 2018 ... Alex Joffe is an archaeologist and historian. He is a Shillman-Ginsburg ...