Kapilavastu was an ancient city in the eastern Gangetic plains of the Indian subcontinent which was the capital of the clan gaṇasaṅgha or "republic" of the ...
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Kapilavastu is the place where Lord Gautama Buddha was grown up and led a family life until he renounced material life. This place is now an important ...
It was in the ancient city of Kapilavastu that Prince Siddhartha was raised from his birth until the age of 29. This was the capital of the ancient Sakya ...


Ancient city
Kapilavastu Procession of king Suddhodana from Kapilavastu, proceeding to meet his son the Buddha walking in mid-air, and to give him a Banyan tree. The dream of Maya at the top of the panel is a sure marker of Kapilavastu. Sanchi. Wikipedia
Oct 14, 2020 · Kapilavastu (according to Buddhist texts) was founded by the king Ikshvaku, one of the sons of the mythical Shraddhadeva Manu, the first human.
India claims that Kapilavastu is the modern-day village of Piprahwa, a fifty-eight mile drive southwest of Lumbini, the birthplace of the Buddha. Framed ...
The ancient kingdom of the Shākya tribe; a small state on the Indian–Nepalese border. The capital was also called Kapilavastu.
Aug 27, 2019 · Kapilavastu was the Sakya kingdom of Gautama Buddha. About 25 kms from Lumbini, it is the site of various important locations like Kudan, ...
Oct 25, 2023 · Kapilavastu, “the city of beautiful virtue,” was the birthplace of Sakyamuni, but was destroyed, during his lifetime.
... Kapilavastu, the capital of the kingdom with the same name, where Buddha spent his childhood as a prince. Regarding the location of Kapilavastu, these texts ...