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Show what makes your restaurant special

Belgrave restaurant Business Profile UI Overview, with reserve a table button, schedule and website link
Man with chef clothes leaning in the doorway of a restaurant.

Help customers find and choose your restaurant or food business on Google, based on your menu, photos, and safety precautions. Plus, accept reservations from your profile, making it simple for customers to dine-in.

Belgrave restaurant Business Profile UI Overview, with reserve a table button, schedule and website link
Man with chef clothes leaning in the doorway of a restaurant.
Business profile highlights  with Dine-in, takeaway, delivery information, showing as well address, schedule, website link and phone number.

Highlight essential info

Business profile highlights  with Dine-in, takeaway, delivery information, showing as well address, schedule, website link and phone number.

Let customers know about the services you offer like dine-in, takeaway or delivery, as well as health and safety measures in place at your business.

Business profile highlights with Beef Ribs, Pulled Pork Sandwich, Mac and cheese and brisket photos and prices.

Share your best dishes and menu

Business profile highlights with Beef Ribs, Pulled Pork Sandwich, Mac and cheese and brisket photos and prices.

Help customers discover what you serve by adding photos of your menu and best dishes. Plus, post special offers or deals to attract customers.

Business profile overview information, with reserve a table as a main call to action, also with some additional information like address, Dine-in, takeout and delivery information.

Let customers make reservations

Business profile overview information, with reserve a table as a main call to action, also with some additional information like address, Dine-in, takeout and delivery information.

Use Reserve with Google to help customers book a table from your profile.

Image of a man with an apron and tweezers inside a bakery

Show the best of your business

Reach more customers in three simple steps, with your free Business Profile.



Create a Business Profile, or manage an existing profile on Search and Maps



Add hours, photos and other details and get discovered by customers near you



Share updates, respond to reviews and connect with customers on Google

Your questions, answered

Use attributes to let customers know which services you offer, like 'Dine-in' or 'kerbside pickup'. You can also indicate safety precautions that your business has implemented, like 'Mask required', 'Staff gets temperature checks' or 'Surfaces disinfected between visits'. Learn how to add or edit your business attributes.

Learn more about editing attributes

Update your menu when you’ve changed what dishes you serve, or if you have special offerings or deals to attract customers. To update your menu, sign into your Business Profile. In the menu on the left, click Info > Menu. Then, edit or add items.

Learn more more about updating your menu
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